Wednesday, December 20, 2006

holiday ho ho ho's!

well, the holidays have gotten the best of me. ive been so busy that i have not blogged in quite a while.

bill and i are off to london until jan 7. when i get back, keep your eyes peeled for information on 2 new shows in Jan and Feb.

happy warhol-idays everyone =)

Monday, December 04, 2006

111@111 @ minna this thursday!!!

I'm really stoked about being part of this group show at Minna. details below!!

111 Minna Gallery
111 Minna Street@ 2nd St.
San Francisco, CA 94105

Thursday December 7th 5pm-2am

Bands: Iguanadons (metal) and Sargeant
Music starts at 10pm

111 Minna Street Gallery is pleased to announce its 1st Annual 111@111 Exhibit! 111@111 is a celebration of the arts community the gallery reaches out to: 111 Minna artists, future, present and past are given the opportunity to exhibit together. Also included in this exhibit are friends of the gallery as well as art created by staff members.

Make a piece of art a gift and support your local arts community while doing it! Receive a 10% discount when you purchase art before the 21st and pick it up just in time for the holidays! This is a great opportunity to collect some great art at great prices. All work that hasn’t sold by the 21st will be consolidated into one of the 2 exhibit spaces for the duration of January, thus making room for another January exhibit featuring the art of Ferris Plock and Kelly Tunstall.

Each exhibited art piece in 111@111 measures exactly 20x20”, creating a cohesiveness among an incredibly wide variety of styles.